Hello there! I wonder if any of you guys actually recognize me from either the forums or the comments? Either way, unimportant for now.
So I managed to get permission to upload to FAKKU as a TL group, So thanks a bunch to ol' Jacob for letting me share my work with you guys!
I'm sort of new to this, so my translations aren't perfect but I hope you guys can bear with me!
Also, I mostly do a one man job, so don't expect releases really quick cuz it's a lot of work to 1) Clean 2) Translate 3) Typeset but I need to do all of them, it's like my style.
And yes, I am aware that my first release (Urakoi) has been released earlier by YQII on here, And I have to say their translations are ~probably~ slightly more accurate than mine since they're the experienced people. But hey, it's up to you, Definitely a good doujin worth a reread, no?
Anyways, Be sure to Visit My site at
Fateburn Family