I play Final Fantasy XI religiously and I have a thing for catgirls, so of course, I play a Mithra(the catgirl race). So since there's only 1 FFXI doujin up on Fakku, and it's not translated I of course felt it's necessary to throw some more up. The only ones not translated are Kuroshiki Vol. 1 and Honig-Dessert.
Misuran Tarutaru and Zokuzoku Misuran Tarutaru are my favorite and both are translated by SaHa, glee! :D The rest I'm not really sure about, but they're still cool. So have fun!
Misuran Tarutaru: http://www.mediafire.com/?tynxmdgkvyj

Zokuzoku Misuran Tarutaru: http://www.mediafire.com/?x5mm5mzzeqk
Mithran Spotting: http://www.mediafire.com/?yed32rqmq33
Kuroshiki Vol. 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?hzhm2y2kyzk
Kuroshiki Vol. 5: http://www.mediafire.com/?m2makmmkymg
Kuroshiki Vol. 6: http://www.mediafire.com/?dxhmqyunjj0
I don't have all the other volumes because I got these from a friend. Didn't really ask where he got them, but the others are probably out there. I'm mostly throwing up the FFXI doujins that I have that are translated.
Honig-Dessert: http://www.mediafire.com/?xntoudrmzzz