Pyre wrote...
tuengo183 wrote...
Nice how the media only shows how American troops suffer, not how we were bombarding the enemy and winning every open battle there was. Man we could have broke into Hanoi guns blazing and no one could do crap, but then we were like "there's a deal we should follow, although the enemy isn't giving a crap about it." *Soreness deepens*
You're talking like the Vietnamese government doesn't shove propaganda down their citizens' throats as well. Media is biased in every country, not just the U.S., get over it and look for your news somewhere else if you don't like it.
Dude, when did this become about American propaganda (I did said "the media" didn't I, crap!), I'm just sore, and being a sport. And if you happens to be in Vietnam, the news are like "We kicked their ass, Vietnam (half of it) rocks!". It's not being sensitive about it, it's savoring a little bit of dark humor when it still can be exploited (That is until communism turns back to being on paper, not freaking implemented). And it's funny how we're like "we spare yo asses" and they're still pushing the envelops antagonizing America and spouting unity of the people (Isn't it funny how their hoping us to help them with China after that). Okay, I'm out before this thread gets political. *Peace*