Doday wrote...
why would i need the cops? think about it. what are the odds that the cops will track down my mothers murderer or something like that? not too good. what are the odds of me getting arrested for some stupid bullshit? pretty high. chances are the police will never do one good thing for me, they are too busy throw tear gas at peaceful protesters. the thing is that the police are an extension for the government. they are a personal army for our corrupt government run by corporations. think about when Rosa Parks sat at the front of the bus, what did the police do? all throughout history the police have always oppressed us, and they have always upheld unjust laws.
Aside from what the cops do and what they stand for. They’re also just assholes. Every single cop I have ever met is just a total douchebag. They always have this superior type of attitude and are totally condescending. They always nit pick every single thing to try and pin it to some crime. Trust me when I say I’m speaking from experience. Cops are regular people, and a lot of people are assholes. Therefore a lot of cops are assholes. People frame them as heros and saviors. But they’re only in it for a paycheck and the power. Give asshole a shitload of power and a gun and you’re in for some fucked up shit. They think they’re superman or something, and they can get away with everything. In a way they really can get away with everything too, they almost never are charged with their crimes. I’ve seen a handcuffed woman from my home town get kicked in the face by two cops.
Now you might be saying: ”Hey, not all cops are assholes! I know a cop and he’s a great guy!” I believe you when you say that you know nice cops. they’re nice to you. there are some nice cops out there, but it’s a narrow slice of the pie. and a lot of cops that are nice to you might not be so nice to a black guy walking around a rich neighborhood, or some punk with a spraypaint can. when people say ”a few bad apples spoil the bushel.” I wince. Because it’s a bushel of bad apples with a couple good ones buried.
TL;DR I don't care very much for police officers.