There was a number of games that I'm keen for. Might end up buying a ps4 soon too, after the ps announcements.
Hadn't watched the xbox announcements, but there was a few there I am keen for without. With there'd probably be more
Devolver Digital's presentation was a godsend and a much needed mocking of the conference.
EA sucked. Bioware's game looks neat but I can't shake of the Destiny vibes. The game made by the brother's dev looks like it has potential but I need to see more later.
Bethesda sucked. They need to stop trying to sell us Skyrim for the 20th time. Wolfenstein looks good though.
Ubisoft was meh. MarioxRabbids X-Com like game looks stupid but fun. My heart warmed up a little when I saw the games lead in the audience start to cry.
Microsoft showed a lot that & thankfully all of it is also coming to PC (So hyped for Cuphead). Xbonks looks like what the stupid steam boxes should've been but I'm not sold.(EXCLUSIVE EXCLUSIVE WORLD PREMIER, CARS CARS CARS, MOST POWERFUL CONSOLE EVER!)
Sony was mostly boring. Monster Hunter looks nice.
Nintendo was also boring with very little new. Casually optimistic for the 2 new Metroid games and the core Pokemon RPG. Mario Odyssey looks crazy fun, as expected. Surprised the Switch is getting dbz zenoverse but not that amazing new fighting game.
All in all it wasn't a trainwreck but not a hype train with tons of new and unexpected stuff. 5/10