Tegumi wrote...
Ziggy wrote...
I suppose he doesn't talk a lot in the forums, though he leaves a lot of comments within releases. I personally met him through following Soba-Scans from back in the day, but he's a big lurker/reader here.
You actually met him? That's pretty neat.
I had some online correspondence with him a while back and he sent me something for being cool. Nice guy.
Yeah, back when I was still with Fpod his job required him to travel and he had to go through an area Pony lived in so we decided that I'd go with and we made a pit stop to visit.
One time Fpod got stranded in his state too (not going to list where just in case he doesn't want other people to know) due to bad weather and he went way out of his way to get Fpod and took him to the border for me to pick up since we lived in bordering states.
I could go on and on about the amount of things he did to help out. He really is a nice person.