RealityBell wrote...
bfg10k17 wrote...
Well then. It's a good thing you're going back to school.
It'll hopefully fix up those horrendous mess of things you call comments.
Because whatever you may want to say, until you learn to capitalize and punctuate properly, I'd rather do a shot of Steve-O tequila than read them.
now that I've read my own comment I can't understand what I've said there. lol. i was sure that I was typing the right sentences but seems like I've mistype some of it.this often happens to me when I type but when writing on paper I have no problem at all. this was problem too on work ahaha.
winter55 wrote...
retake english 102?
ahaha. diba dapat 101?
look at this <--- This is how you type.
Now look at this. <--- This is how you should type.
I is a capital letter.
Every sentence starts with a capital letter, that's how the people who read it know it's a new sentence.
This fella here ---> , <--- is a comma. If you don't want to look like a retard, you will use it.
It also prevents the creation of run-on sentences.
A good way to tell if you've created a run-on sentence is, to try and read that sentence in one breath.
If you can't do it, than you should break it up with commas until you can.