AzelleFans wrote...
We don't have money to go abroad anyways, so it's fine.
yup, that's true.
Hoo, that's quite alot...
Nah, take it with your own pace. It's not like you've been pressed by deadline to learn them fast... Unless if there's another reason for you to learn them ASAP...
But you should try it! *pinches cheek*
Awww, well, I guess... =3=
Not that much, I don't really play that much vidja geimu, I'm more on the piano than anything.
Well, the reason is even though I play a lot, I don't really allocate that much time to learning, I just play the same measures again and again until I master it. And sometimes, I just drop the piece for a while before going back to it.
Song for Friends for example, I'm actually done learning it, I just don't practice it long enough to actually play it without faults. So, the main reason why I always try to give a deadline, even though I rarely respect them due to being busy, is because it kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinda motivates me to push myself to learn it.
Try what?
I really need to hurry and find a new job, I'm sick of this place.