Neoro~n wrote...
AzelleFans wrote...
? *is patted*
There's no category for white-knight, selfless, easygoing character? Eh, it's your preferences, so no problem.
I fail to understand which character you mean there, but oh well....
*keeps patting because forgot what happened*
Those are some other type of character, and then again for those type, it depends on their personality. Won't dwell too much into it, but selfless can become selfish.
Too lazy to elaborate and name characters -3- Too tired too -3-
*bropawnch Seps*
Oh, Aki went back to one of his old avi =O!
*is already forgot about everything from the first pat*
Which was why I ask what I asked before that I already forgot... So yeah...
Rest, busybody Neon-nyan.
And nice thing there. Pricey, but it worth if you like it that much...