Neoro~n wrote...
AzelleFans wrote...
I heard it overstimulates your heart to the point of triggering a heart attack. One of my Mom's friend actually had her mother died when she stubbornly ate grapes in secret even after doctor forbid her (the mother had heart problem, btw). Maybe I was wrong in some details, but I never touched grapes for long years.
Also, welcome back to Sepapa, Maho, and Aki there.
Huh?... My doc never prevent or told me about, rather, it helps your heart more than anything D: *pats*
So hungry. *bropawnch Seps*
My father' docs forbid it, actually. If you mean wine, I know about it, but normal grapes are not. Then again, wine is forbidden for us too, so nope...
Late reply because stuffs. *putting angreh-hungreh kittens on whoever still around' heads*