Aura-Desu wrote...
; = ; what should i play or do
Play eeeet, Desu~!! xD
actually even if people said it's hard to get, the longer you wait, the more they prioritize your ID lottery~ I think depends on luck, 3 days is enough to get your id Verified~
but region luck sure is annoying, I need to use chrome extension in order to plays it~
Neoro~n wrote...
That's.... I'm salty -3- Here's my fleet...
RNG never let me go through M node... At least Shigurekt rekt =V
ahh, somehow I know why it's hard, probably because your speed is sloooooow~ *imagine that being said by Shimakaze voice* xD
I always prioritize "fast" speed, if the difference of firepower is not very high~
M node sure is suck, that black wock shooter, did you use any command fleet facility?