Minakami Ryuu wrote...
Neoro~n wrote...
Haha, thanks thanks, Harurun's treating me well, although, I haven't been to HQ much lately so I just bring her with me <3
Yeah, totally forgot about it, logged in on the last day, finished in 4 hours on
easy... You?
Nyoron is baaaaack~ *glomps*
good good, glad to hear Neo is doing well~ *nod nod*
as people said, easiest event ever~ xD
tho because I accidently killed the boss, I finished E-3 in easy~
E-2 in medium, E-1 in hard~
a lot of great drop on that event, right now is busy leveling~ xD
Woh, unexpected glomp! *pats* Haha, how about you? How have you been?
Apparently so, RNG only trolled me twice in the extra map, but then, everything was a breeze, didn't even bother with armor reduction or anything haha. Bisko was happy to finally being able to sortie in such operations!
I didn't really bothered with farming drops since Yu wasn't available this time around, only went in a blitz through to get Hatsuzuki and Zara ahah. Hatsuzuki too cute to not have in my fleet <3
AzelleFans wrote...
Nah, doubt there'll be another collab event right after this one. Maybe they'll add Edmond in Murrican map later.
Hmmhmm. Don't forget to take care of your health always, although you're already skinny and all.
Being ded and ded. Usual stuff.
Yeah, doubt it too, they did mention something about having a part 2 collab soon a long time ago, when they announced the first collab. Might be just a rumor tho.
I'm fine, I'm fine =V
As long as you're doing good, I'm happy.
Eternal Sin wrote...
Don't you start with that bullshit too.
Eh, I'm alive as alive can be, a little stressed with life stuff currently, but I'm doing fine, you?
Still playing LoL and did you get FE Fates? Bullshit hit rates are bullshit.