say what! wrote...
SolidShark wrote...
Grampa freaky, how does it feel to know that everything you saw in the 70's sci-fi never became real?
What did you feel when you heard on the news that the Soviet Union dissolved?
Moment of your life you're most proud of?
Do you play videogames?
What freak may say
1. I was a child so I don't know
2. I was too drunk to remember
3. fucking ur mum or sticking it in my cubbyhole
4. yes, I have a vita and love my animu games
1. I was in limbo in the 70's since I was born in 82 but I'm not a sci fi guy... omega man was cool.
2. Careless... I did see drunk Perz Boris Yeltsin on a tank.
3. Being independent since 17 and the birth of my children. Working for a living is great instead of wasting years on a major where you have no real work and have to live with mom. With that my major was a waste of time for 90% of college students anyways... no drive doesn't help a useless art major. Same with liberal arts and computer science.
4. Tyler said it. I nearly have time to shit, eat and watch animu. If there no gigs line up then my savings go bye bye... I still have a mortgage and lights to worry about including other shit and real life. Typing this on the can.