the reason i was gone 4 so long was because im no longer aloud 2 use the computer at my parents house, & im not quite ready to move out yet. & i just now found a proxy that lets me post on fakku so im using the computer t the local library (i was actually here for 2 of the 4 months i was gone but i couldnt post)
rbz123 wrote...
Yo son I was like "where you at" the whole time you was gone, son. Before you left you was schoolin us on the bitch ass haterz. Gon' continue yo parts?
Just trying to make you feel at home

i actullly had a part 3 written down on paper along with a list of my top 5 hatas as waar suggested... but i lost it. ): so now i have 2 search 4 the thread so i can redo it