>Asus K53S
>Overheating Problem
>Play 1 game of League and CPU + Motherboard goes up to 99 Celsius
>FPS drops drastically, even YouTube videos cut out sometimes because of low FPS
>Figure the problem's with the heating
>Take laptop apart
>Clean out fan, wanted to apply thermal paste on CPU, but Walmart and school labs didn't have, so nope.
>Laptop boots perfectly, I can access everything on both C: and D:, can see all Desktop icons
>Can open all programs
>Problem is, when computer boots, after about 2-3 minutes of it trying to get all the startup programs running, computer freezes, Start bar disappears (presumably something wrong with the explorer.exe of some shit), all Desktop icons disappear, and the Blue Screen of Death.
>Error code is 0x000000F4
>Some said cabling issue. Others said CMOS battery.
>Replace CMOS battery.
>Now I'm on Safe Mode with Networking
>Still can access everything on hard drive
>My touchpad functions (ex: 2-finger scroll) and audio is all borked and don't work.
>I'm sitting here masturbating
I'm all out of ideas. I don't know what went wrong. Can't even find solutions because I don't know what the problem is. If all else fails by tomorrow, Imma backup my hard drive and reformat errythang. But until then, what do?