bakapink wrote...
Number a reasons maybe...
-Don't read tag's before going in.
-Feels good to rally, with others, against a common enemy and/or to gather validation for your contributions. (Attention)
-An inability to accept views different than theirs.
-A lot of people take it to personally, feeling a need to be offended by the work.
-Wanted to see someone, other than the perpetrator, committing the act.
-See's an art style which they like, but conflicted by the subject matter.
Maybe a few more I'm missing but ya... This would be my initial guess.
^All of the above and then some. Actually most "haters" dont even know the reason why they act like dicks, and just rage spam various obscenities, but there are a few more or less intelligent vanillafags out there.
I personally am a hater of NTR, Cheating, Rape, Guro and anything else that I would like to avoid IRL, as i am sure most people would.
I mean lets face it, who in their right mind wants their partner to cheat on them (unless you think your wife/husband being a ho' is kinky), find out your wife/daughter/mother was gang raped and/or cut up into tiny pieces and rolled into sushi to be sold in your local sushi bar? Those who want to do said things to others are already dangerous in my eyes, because thoughts can easily become actions.
A wise man once said: "Let me see what you fap to, and i will tell you who you are", and if someone finds themselves being sexually aroused from things that hurt others (even though a hentai doesnt "hurt" anybody, it shows things that DO happen IRL, and do hurt others when they happen IRL), then that clearly says something about the person. And would any sane person let their loved ones near someone if they knew they secretly wish to bad (literally bad) things to them? Of course not.
This is my reason for being a "hater". hope that answered your question.
p.s: Having said that, i dont approve of purposely finding and flaming (well, too much of it anyway) others just because you dont like em'. But I do think it is acceptable to voice your displeasure if you accidentally stumble on something you dont like once in a while due to misreading tags or similar accident.