æ£ç¾© wrote...
Joking aside, idk why loli is banned in Canada and UK.
Seems unnecessary since in and of itself it harms no one.
Can't speak for Canada but I find that in the UK paedophiles are one of the more controversial topics because of years of fearmongering, demonising, playing on people's personal morals. And for some, personal experience i.e have been sexually assaulted as a child. We seem to be more sensitive to shit like that, so naturally it would have the side effect of banning media portraying minors, even if they're fiction.
The problem with that is it makes us bury our heads in the sand on the subject and continue on with our daily lives, despite it being a daily occurrence and fear for some, and it's clear people with the disorder need psychiatric help.
OT: I audibly laughed. We really do need to stop making stupid people famous.
Like the 3-titted girl who is now apparently a dominatrix.