Cinia Pacifica wrote...
Exactly. So I think you shouldn't continue to waste time on a game like this. It's obvious that people are disinterested.
Great, so you've decided not to contribute to this thread in a positive/relative way. That really helps me improve the game, thanks a lot.
But understand first off that I'm not wasting my time because I enjoy making cards, and nothing about it's initial popularity will change that. In fact nothing about it's interest is currently obvious as it hasn't really been seen by anyone. These kinds of threads get dominated by chat topics and quickly sink to pages rarely checked, it certainly doesn't mean it's a bad idea. Unless you actually have some relevant argument against the game itself I'm not going to stop doing things that I find fun just because a couple people think it's a waste of time. Unless theres a legitimate reason (having to actually do with the game) I will continue to provide more content to this thread.