sakabato24 wrote...
What ever you chose, good luck with it.
I'm in the Air Force right now, but I do have quite the few friends that are in the Army. If you have any questions at all, especially about going through MEPS, Boot Camp, or just the Enlisted side in general, hit me up via PM.
Questions I have for you is :
What MOS are you trying to get? Infantry? Comm? Linguist?
What are your goals when you get in? Finish off College? Making this a career? Or just doing your 4-6 years, and be done with it?
From what it sounds like, you kinda ran into the same situation that I've gone through before joining.
Just a heads-up, there's a saying in the military :
"The military is not just another job, it's a life-style."
Military was a hard choice, but I don't regret it one bit. It built a lot for me that I've never thought I had in me, as well as making me see things in different lights.
Again, good luck for whatever you are going for.
Takerial wrote...
I go down on monday to finish my asvab/physical and get sworn in.
The job I have locked down atm is Human Resources Specialist.
I'll go on April 15th for basic training. 9 weeks BT, 9 weeks AIT.
So I'll be gone for just under 5 months.
like what sakabato said above, PM me or him about it, I'm in the Air Force as well, and most of my family are in the army, so I can answer some info if you need man. And yeah, "Military is a Lifestyle".