Koko5 wrote...
Shotty Too Hotty wrote...
Ignoring her would be our best option.
Anyway... I woke up at 5pm today. I'm kinda mad/sad about that.
Why would u say that? Your apart of the Ib best fwends foreber club now? You were so nice to me in ctfg. I didnt know you had two faces.
Newsflash: they'll turn on u quicker then quicksand. Faster if you have tits.
I'm friends with almost everyone both IB and CTFG. I was nice to you because you seemed like a nice person, even though I heard some bad things about you. I thought you left all of that in the past and tried to move on from that stuff and that it was none of my business to talk to you about it. But I can't be friends with someone who doesn't learn their lesson and move with their life and sees harassing my other friends as completely justifiable. All these accounts you have made shows that you have learned nothing at all and that all your previous bans were completely justified.
They won't turn on me quickly because I don't act like jackass, I don't harass people, and most importantly
I don't break the rules and claim my reason for doing so as a justifiable one.