.......................-trys not to move an inch- the crazy kitty that just before attackin an scratch meh out of brutal playfulness just crawled on my back...........................;///////////; -dies inside from the cuteness- *savors the warm furball on my back* T/^/T)9
Thorn off, like thousand of needles went through my heart. Even how much I hold back the pain it still hurt. How many time I try to forget it it still there and hurts me and grows stronger and stronger. I'm like been nailed against the floor and stands there like I'm never going to get going with my problems. It hurts. It's hurts like it never hurt before. I have been hurt since I was a kid, I have been made fun of even in high school and that's nothing to me. But this feel. This is something new that has never made my heart hurt like this. This pain will continue till I died, because of you.