Since my post is gone...
Five tbs of eromanga
40 dvd/bd of hentai
about three plastic storge bins of physical hentai
about fives years worth of hentai mags like bee, comic lo and others
you know those 100 count dvd spindles.. 4 of them with other anime hentai, manga, doujin, and other pron.
Around 500 GB of hentai and 90 GB pr0n.
H-games are in another folder. And I still have like 60 GB of hentai scattered all over my 7 harddisks xD.
ever since I started downloading doujins, swf flash games, buying full h-games and visual novels (though I don't count those since they're quite large files), and poking about gelboooru and r34, I'd say.....on my external hardrive there's about 165-168 GB....all hentai except for maybe.....30 or 40 .jpeg pictures.
O.O umm idk but it probably not a lot cause i only collect few pictures of hentai. Wow, u guys make collect tiny like a tiny grain of dust. Then again I don't know how to downlaod hentai in this freaking mac.Did it once and it wouldn't open or act right.
I also got an external 1TB drive that's offline, and only works when it wants to. But yeah, that totals to about
4 & 1/2 TB of HDD space, and most of it is pr0n. :P
Mine is a very modest 4 gigs...I only want the best XD
ADR2011 wrote...
Ha! You guys are lightweights
I also got an external 1TB drive that's offline, and only works when it wants to. But yeah, that totals to about
4 & 1/2 TB of HDD space, and most of it is pr0n. :P