GiantBeardedFace wrote...
Sluttershy wrote...
GiantBeardedFace wrote...
Sluttershy wrote...
GiantBeardedFace wrote...
Bump because +rep to OP
As you wish! :3
OT: Never really listen the BMTH.
Not after their first album.
They gotten any better?
Yes. They've completely moved away from bland deathcore into metalcore, but they add a lot of genre influences like post-rock and electronica. Also, the lyrics become more personal and the singing is much better.
Ah, nice. I might have to check out their new shit then.
Cause i know the old stuff was like screaming and shit, almost hard to underrstand thats kinda why i drifted away from them.
But 5FDP is coming out with a new album soon i hope and im quite excited about that.
Just listened to the video and holy mother of fuck they sound alot softer then they normally did! :O
Its like in a good way tho!
Damn! haha i think i might have to download this new album.
Told you they got better. Check out There Is A Hell Believe Me I've Seen It, There Is A Heaven Let's Keep It A Secret from them as well; very good album that's a lot more like upcoming Sempiternal. Looking forward to this new album.
And I'm gonna be gettin' 5FDP's new album as well. They're just fantastic.
Hmm they still keep the silly titles i see! xD
Im talking about "Tell Slater Not To Wash His Dick"
But alright i might just do that!
My songs are getting pretty dull anyways, its time for a new change! :D
But haha yeah same here. Cant wait for the new album.. sadly i wish ADTR was making one too but they are not..they are to busy on with Mice Of Men and some other bands on the "Right Back At It" tour! D:
And i cant find where i heard he was making a new album but its was on facebook somewhere and he told us that he was currently in the studio making up some new songs.