GiantBeardedFace wrote...
Sindalf wrote...
Shotty Too Hotty wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
TheBigAssHentaiGuy wrote...
I've never played it and I don't think I ever will, it looks way too complicated
If that's your problem, don't touch DotA.
Yeah, if you think LoL is bad then don't even touch DotA. Don't even look at it's general direction.
Why would anyone play a dead game?
Because they like fucking the corpses of shit games rather than getting a life.
also, Dota 2 is published by Valve.
theres always a shitstorm when people make LoL and Dota comparisons though. the general consensus is that LoL is easier and more accessible, while Dota requires more micromanaging i.e. "skill" (with characters like invoker as well as the denying mechanic) but snowballs harder meaning one person can win you the game (or lose it). LoL is much easier to make comebacks in.
i personally dont play Dota 2 because i dont want to have to relearn the items and characters of another moba game. that and my computer blows, can barely even run LoL.