Lollikittie wrote...
"I don't have romantic or sexual feelings for you.
I haven't had any romantic or sexual feelings for you.
I.will.never. have romantic or sexual feelings for you.
I can't be kind to your feelings without leading you on. You need to understand that I am explicitly telling you that you and I will not happen. In any way. Ever."
This is a very concise and appropriate, not to mention necessary thing that needs to be said, yet this got negative reputation.
Anyone want to tell me why? :/
Dee::Arc wrote...
2. Deal with her fawning. It can't be so bad that it is unbearable; having women swooning for you can't be the worst thing that can happen (After all, everyone knows being naked at a Village People Concert is the worst thing that happen). She might have feelings for someone else over time and you can stay friends with her by just acting normal until then.
That is the worst response to this situation I think I've ever read. It would inevitably create the single most confusing environment for her and all it would do in the end is cause more emotional calamity than if he just let her know in no uncertain terms that it's just not going to happen.
You know what the honorable thing to do is. The longer you go without doing it, the more suspect your character becomes.
Damoz wrote...
relationship advice from kittie... lol
...Excuse me?
Firstly, there is currently no relationship between him and the girl at all.
Secondly, I have a far greater grasp on the mechanics and psychological dynamics of a relationship than just 'guessing'. I actually see a psychologist and discuss these things on a regular basis, I'm not just pulling it out of my ass.