Gravity cat wrote...
Fuck, Monster Rancher. Might have to watch that again. First episode I ever saw was the one with this guy in it:
Iamnotchrishansen wrote...
Ash is a bitch that could easily have a harem
In the Electric Tales of Pikachu his relationship with Misty was far more blatent. And the infamous bath scene which saw him oggling her like a horndog.
EToP was highly sexed up and was edited to be more "child friendly". So hard to find the originals with good English translations.
Ah, Master Gali. Tiger was one of my favorites (WTF was he called Tiger when he's clearly a wolf)
If it wasn't a pain to browse on a mobile device, I would post pics of Pixie, you know she was hot, don't lie.
The pokemon Manga was a bit more mature IIRC on the count of it having death in it.