That sunuvabitch tech changed my avie! Stop fucking around w/ my account!
Waar wrote...
Aside from your own group, who's work do you respect the most(in terms of scan teams)?
Hands down, Props to Nemesis from LWB for his masterful edits. Not only is he ridiculously good at full color edits, he's also blazingly fast!
Foreground Eclipse wrote...
What kind of music do you listen to when working?
Recently, it's been the new Decorator album by livetune. Otherwise, I listen to Akira Jimbo and other jazz tracks. On a good day, I even listen to Chopin. When I feel pissed, some maximum the hormone or sambomaster. Oh, and I recently got the new bump of chicken album, so that's been getting quite a bit of air time.
Atrei wrote...
Is this a job or a side-project for you? Does it pay (if at all?)?
How did you end up as a scanslator?
No pay. It's our hobby. I only started at it because I met tech and he asked me to translate some single panel strike witches shorts for him. Next thing i knew, he started throwing porn at me, and the rest is what you enjoy, now.
And yes, necropost means we're back and bored as f**k.