Waar wrote...
devsonfire wrote...
Waar wrote...
2 weeks for 1000 words? You should be fine.
I'm not concerned about the word count. Once I actually know what I'm gonna do it'll only take 5 hours max. I'm concerned on how vague a question can get, especially considering many of the students is still in their freshman year.
Vague is good, it probably means they aren't looking to punish anyone or grade particularly hard. If you can ask your prof questions this would be a good time to try to determine the direction he wants you to go on this(don't harass him too much though, they hate that).
Yeah, my prof fortunately is a good guy, he's even willing to give anyone a call if they don't understand the question. I do, but it's just ..... not using any kind of statute as a specific example.
Kadushy wrote...
I didn't understand any of that. Good luck.
[size=4]<--- low intelligence life form [/h]
I lol'd on your little footnote.