Complete Horizon wrote...
You happy now?
Just the fact that you added that at the end shows how weak you guys have become at this...
It almost makes me want to kill myself, but then I realize that what I needed was some good ol' self-esteem targeting insults.
This is how's it's really done, and I think you should really do these things, in this order:
Shove a pinapple up your ass until it disappears, and then fist yourself with
this cactus, after which you should cut yourself with razors in non-vital areas, and pour vinegar and salt over your wounds in order to recover faster.
Then, after you stop bleeding, remove the cactus from your ass, and go shit out the pineapple.
Afterward, place a burlap sack over your head, create holes for your eyes but not your nose or mouth, tie the burlap sack tightly around your neck, and then tie lead weights (or any heavy metal objects) to your ankles. Don't use shackles, since they tend to have keyholes, and we don't want an easy get-out-of-jail-free card.
Next, cover yourself from head to toe in delicious fish bait, power bait, or whatever you think the fish in a river that is twice as deep as you are tall will eat.
Finally, stand on a cliff near a river that is at least twice as deep as you are tall, and pick up the weights tied to your ankles. Throw them into the river so that you'll be pulled off the cliff by them, maybe hitting your head a few times during the fall, also breaking your ankles, and falling into the river, sinking to the bottom, without a hope to escape.
Congratulations! You are dead.