So, I was getting a fair ammount of doujins saved up on my Nexus, so I thought I'll compress it and back it up on mega for when I fuck up trying to flash a new ROM or something, and I corrupt the tablet. And then I thought, "damn, why not share this!"
So guys, I only ever bother DLing doujins that I especially like. There's some futa and maybe some rape (can't really remember), but most of it's Vanilla. There's a mix of doujins and orginal works. 4870 files and 96 folders worth of Hentai goodness.
So, if you have some spare time why not check it out?
You'd probably not be sorry (not guaranteeing anything though)
P.S: Do keep in mind I compressed this on my tablet so there might be some missing files, probably not though.
Link: (2.97 GB)!XdZykTCb!AN3CACBa2lttT_JxmuLeUm1jLxc8MB5EKVwP28AFsL4