I'm only alowed to post once eh? Might as well say something worth while.
I ate a biscuit the other day, kinda tasted like crap, but ate it anyway as i was pissed off and hungry. So i started to munch it, but the second i try to bite, it crumbles all over the floor. So being pissed off i open the door and kick the remainder of the biscut over about 3 fences. Sucked ass but also kinda kicked ass as i heard a scream from some bender from a few houses away, probs not used to having jammy dodgers being kicked at them. then i ate some cheese but it hurt my mouth as it was so strong, fucking piece of cheese.
I'm going to tesscos to buy ingredients for chicken ramin, i saw my gf do it once, so i guess it'll be ok. L8r!
Oh yea, Fakku kicks ass!