Medzy wrote...
Callonia wrote...
Medzy wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
Medzy wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
Medzy wrote...
I don't even know so I'm just gonna dump an image
Don't worry, I saw your image. You're not alone.

Your Cyclops fetish is weird to a socket lover.
I've never thought about that. Now I know what I'm going to be searching for for the next few weeks.
Why is it even weird?
Btw medzy there's a cyclops girl you can recruit in sengoku rance if u care.
I have Sengoku Rance, but I cannot get a English patch to work properly. So I have no idea what people are saying, or even what is happening.
But I did not know there was a Cyclops in that game.
It's a bit weird just because it never crossed my mind to combine the two (for me at least).
I would help you out but it's been like 4 years or more since i last installed sengoku rance xD
So the best I can do for you is to give you this link
Try looking around to figure out what you did to screw up the english patch.
And yes, now you know. The cyclops girl can be found in one of opposing factions against you in far northeast, it's in uh oni faction something.