Gravity cat wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
Gravity cat wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
You know there a english proxy for pirategay.
I know. Only reason I still don't use it is because I can't download anything on it while using a proxy
I could when they block it here. Magnets and offsite torrent host or something.
Just tried it again with a different Proxy and I can open Torrent links now, so that's progress at least. Last time I couldn't even do that. But it never gets past "Connecting to [whatever]". The trackers are from Piratebay, so I'm guessing connections are blocked or the trackers are down.
Can download a larger file elsewhere almost right away.
Am with virgin media and they do not not block the trackers,
the easiest way i get around the ISP block by using the opera browser.
Opera has a setting called off-road mode that is designed for slow networks but the why it works is "It works by sending the page you want to visit to the Opera servers first where images are compressed, replaced with WebP ones, some JavaScript is processed and the page is stripped down of non-essentials and optimized."
off rode mode on
off road mode off