animefreak_usa wrote...
Gravity cat wrote...
Sgt.broski wrote...
Gravity cat wrote...
another important announcement
traps are gay
But what if traps love women?
then it's still gay because the women are into feminine dudes
checkmate atheists
So you're only into lesbian porn? Because if you're into straight man versus woman getting down hardcore then you don't want the guy that have a small flaccid dick you want him to have a big rocking hard cock with like 40 veins going out to side. Meaning you like big ass dicks. We're all a little gay son, just some of us would like to have that feminate cock in the mouth.
if you fuck a girl who isn't a virgin you're touching dicks with the guy(s) who've previously fucked her. super fucking gay.
lesbians are gay. wimmin clits are just girl penises. extremely gay