Kaypi wrote...
Why do you want me to be your food?
Uhh... Not really? I like prawn in general as foods?
Looky-tan wrote...
Kitsune Karin wrote...
@Kangashkan fine a shiny kangashkan for your mascot pokemon

It's strong you know! Mega Mewtwo is no match for it!
Eternal Sin wrote...
Kitsune Karin wrote...
Stop, you're making Ui over jealous~
Somehow that makes me think you have idea of the time I'm talking about....lol
Yup, the time when sepias was head over heels for me and didn't have a look at Ui at all~ Fufufu
Ethereal Dawn wrote...
Kitsune Karin wrote...
Hahaha, she should get jealous more often
Oh btw, Sepias, what's your skype? I haven't got one since..... Well, did I have your MSN back then....?
She does a lot. And I mean A LOT. For no reasons, even.
You did have my MSN. But I stopped going on a long time ago. My skype is sepias_avell, I believe.
She did?? Hahaha, poor Ui!
Don't worry Ui, I'm not some kind of temptress who'd steal your silly guy from you... If anything I'd be a bit cold.