Eternal Sin wrote...
Aura-Desu wrote...
Eternal Sin wrote...
Still have yet to be told what is in my friend Safari.
Haha funny enough, you have Rock as well
Nosepass, onix, shuckle
and unos has pupitar and Dwebble
my safari has Swanna, spearow and Rufflet
Oh joy, I've got shit. And you finally beat the Elite 4? Wait duh, you're tracking Zapdos, I should've figured that one out already.
what? I would have thought it obvious if I'm trying to catch... I just saw your edit haha
my mawile was 98 when I beat the champ, she never got past my Salamence but I still switched to Mawile when she used her gardevoir, we both Mega, and I one shot her before she could do anything, Mega gardevoir looks like a big puffball >.>
also, the dragon elite 4 put up more of a fight than her =/