Eternal Sin wrote...
Kitsune Karin wrote...
I see.... The weakest and most bullied out of the three....
Hmm, is that so...? But the sadness usually only lasts for a few moments after I wrote that, and right next seconds, I'll be happy again
Heh, sadly this is the one time I really can't argue that. The middle one is the reason my self esteem is so terrible and I've had a few broken fingers over the years haha.
Well I hope that's the case, although the frequency that you've been writing them like that makes me think it might be a bit more lasting...but I'll take your word for it, just hope you're alright.
Uwah... That's terrible... I guess what I've been seeing is manga and stories about little brother is true...
It's alright~ it's not important, as long as I can keep my mood up...
Shotty Too Hotty wrote...
Kitsune Karin wrote...
Shotty Too Hotty wrote...
Kitsune Karin wrote...
I need to sink some pirate ships during holidays too.
But a pirate's life is a free life. You'll be sinking freedom.
Doesn't matter, still get bounties.
Freedom is more important than money.
Your freedom is my money, my money is more important than your freedom, so I take your freedom. - Marines