still at it, but tabbing out =)
Doing nothing but hunting for the ships final upgrades right now, so i been diving and raiding islands all the time x.x
but uplay put in a white whale again today, so i got that one as well~❤
I'm currently playing as well, so sorry for the slow reply if I do~
The diving part is gorgeous~ but not when you are surrounded by sharks.... And I can't even kill a crocodile in the swamp, let alone sharks...
dont worry bout the reply time, as you know i am on it as well.
The sharks you cant kill anyway, just dodge and hide from them.
Theres only one place so far that ive found without sharks yet, but those had water currends and lots of jellyfish x.x
i hated that mission..its when you try to escape from that one island.. i needed to restart it over since i got always occupied with enemies, but i couldnt kill them fast enough
so i used my mortar and it made it lots easier. mortar and heavy shots should take quick care of enemy ships.
That would require money and time off school though.
School still operate in that temperature? what nonsense
The temperature isn't that bad compared to back during the polar vortex thing, it was only like that till maybe Wednesday. Now it's just hovering around 30 F most of the time, so still below freezing but that's normal for this time of year.