Zamor wrote...
Kinda wish there were more Fairy types, the only ones I really liked are Sylveon, Mawile, and Gardevoir.
Not more, just different.
Who the fuck is ever going to use Aromatisse or the cotton candy one?
No self-respecting guy would ever get near 'em, and I think they exaggerate the stereotypical little girl affections to the point of outright mockery. Perfume and Cotton candy. I could see the perfume having interesting potential, but design-wise, it seems like another Jynx- about as appealing as a shit-covered brick.
A few of the other ones are rather underwhelming, too. The rock one just seems kinda lazy; shouldn't a "jewel" have a little more sparkle?
And Dedene just looks too much like Raichu. I wouldn't be surprised if it was simply drafted from early Raichu concept art from 15-odd years ago.
Unless an electric mouse is something of a quota for them for every generation.
I like the type, but I sincerely hope they don't end up marginalizing it to purely "cute and fluffy" and diversify somewhat- there's assloads of mythology and lore to draw inspiration from.