Looky-tan wrote...
Kitsune Karin wrote...
Looky-tan wrote...
Kitsune Karin wrote...
Or... are you crying because of something else?
;_; *hugs*
Hmm? Tell me about it, in skype is fine too.
I've just been working a lot this week.... and I am exhausted and haven't had much time for pokemon and I hear you got more shinys... ;-;
Huh....? Is that all.........?
Melfice_1 wrote...
Kitsune Karin wrote...
It's fine, only that I have no energy in the morning
it may be dangerous tho...
Hmm, not quite I guess...
Ruinsku wrote...
Kitsune Karin wrote...
Ruinsku wrote...
Kitsune Karin wrote...
Ruinsku wrote...
Big mom!?
Chubby girls are cute though...
So I am okay with it!
Aww you don't read One Piece.
I'm sure you'll be okay with it <3
She is, so you don't have to worry.
It's too long...
All the more reason to like it, silly.
Call it low blood pressure...
Hi hi
I hate long anime it just drags on too long!
I love the shorter ones better.
But this one is not dragging on, it's becoming more and more awesome as the story goes!
Also just read it, watching it would take too much time