Pyre wrote...
PumpJack McGee wrote...
Magical Girl Internet Browsers.
I would watch that show.
Especially if they made it a web series.
But really, that'd be pretty fun.
Internet Explorer could be the main, or a bit of a recluse. She was the first, but then slowly fell to the wayside.
Firefox the boisterous genki girl. Then there are others like Chrome, Safari, and Opera.
I think Chrome might be the most popular one- I kinda picture her and Opera as Miss Perfects- Chrome being more stuck-up and Opera more elusive.
No idea about Safari. Perhaps Cloud Cuckoolander. Perpetually sorta out of it.
Their powers could be expressed through Apps or something.
Enemies would be Hackers, along with the old crowd of Viruses, Malware, and Spyware.
Anon could be the useless comic relief.
Mosaic was the first graphical browser, Netscape came afterwards (Initially releasing under the codename Mozilla.) and then Internet Explorer appeared. Netscape pioneered most of the main features.
Hunh, I always thought Netscape was just en earlier version of Explorer.
Anyways, it works perfectly in the mythos- those two could be the Sage type characters; Netscape being The Master and Explorer the student.
Mosaic could be some legend- 'The Firstborn'.
Could even Plot her as- since having fallen into disuse- has become dejected and embittered, and becomes one of the main bad guys after getting corrupted by Viruses.
And while the big tech companies and social media came onto their own, and now the world is more connected- and more dependent- on the web than ever before, Mosaic decides to strike. Y2K was just a fluke. And the numerous conspiracy theories and end-of-the-world scenarios just more red herrings that have conveniently numbed the people to any potential warning signs.
As the recent leaks of Big Data have displayed- everyone's information is out there. Anyone and everyone could know anything and everything about anyone and everyone else.
Including people in high-security positions.
Using largely forgotten but still functional code, she could bust into some very sensitive systems and really wreck some shit.
However shall the Browsers defeat this ancient evil?
They must seek out Netscape. Only she may know of how to counter Mosaic's archaic coding.
Somebody get me in touch with an anime studio, I need to pitch this.