mibuchiha wrote...
Oh cool. Time to upgrade to 5s thanks to the price drop and give the 5 to my sister or something.
Due to the cover I'm using I need to stay with 5/5s. Don't like 6 anyway, as I don't any huge phones.
It is strange, the big ones aren't all that bad to carry, unless you rely on lady pockets (ie, those in skinny jeans (mostly girl ones)) and ladies pants in general)
If you have man pockets (pockets in every mens pants, as far as I've seen) or a purse, they're good.
As for size in general, yeah, that's a subjective thing. I like it big, as I can actually type on them, and can do stuff with ease, instead of squinting at the small screen. Going from my note 3 to an iphone 4 is painful now. 5 isn't too bad, but still painful.
Still miss my old nokias. If I could retrofit something awesome into the case of my n97, and use it's functions, but give it better hardware, and a new os, I'd be so goddamn happy