nateriver10 wrote...
Wow, twenty three dislikes on one post? Sheesh, and I thought I had it bad with all the morons who can't put two words together to make a
valid point so they just vote down and feel all manly (or girly, I'm not gonna be sexist, girls can be morons too nowadays). Anyway, where was I? Right... What's that thing Eminem sings about? «You can dish it out but you sure can't take it?» That's it.
I don't even understand the point of negative votes... The positive votes make sense because if you agree with someone, you might not have anything to add so a positive vote works. But if you disagree with someone, a negative vote just shows you're a twat,
the person you disagree with won't learn anything and will, actually, become the victim even if he's saying he hates blacks, queers, animals, old people, homeless people, jews, whites, blondes, brunettes, jews again and black queer jews.
I'm pretty sure I can take what you have to "dish" out. But from this post it doesn't seem like you haven't made a valid point. Seriously, you're claiming that someone is a
victim of disapproval if they get negative reps or that people.
nateriver10 wrote...
Wow, are you too stupid to realize that I argue that
saying it directly acomplishes nothing?
If the point was to show disapproval or dislike, it accomplishes that. Yes, it literally is that simple, and your refusal to acknowledge that won't that fact.
nateriver10 wrote...
If the person wrote a shit post and believes in shitty ideas, they won't change their mind with a negative vote...Either you find a way to prove that an anonymous negative vote turns idiots into geniuses or your post is void.
It's not impossible for a person to realize that they might have made a mistake or said something someone else disapproves of. This generally depends on the person being -neg rep'd.
If your argument is that there are better ways to achieve a nonspecific goal, then yeah that's true.
nateriver10 wrote...
What doesn't seem reasonable to me is to disagree or dislike someone and hide behimnd, I keep saying this, an anonymous negative post. I get tons of negative votes, I'm getting them down and couldn't care less because they don't ake me change my mind. I might be completely wrong but unless someone knows why and tells me, all
I can assume is that people here are idiots who don't like to be proven wrong or maybe they don't even like to think.
Why does it matter if it doesn't change your mind?
Also why do you claim not to care yet still rant about their existence
nateriver10 wrote...
A negative post shows nothing
Also, the negative vote shows nothing about the original post.
Having an ambiguous meaning and being able to be interpreted in several ways doesn't mean it shows nothing.
nateriver10 wrote...
so I want people to try to reason with me and tell me what's wrong with my views and explain why.
They don't have to, Mr.Egomaniac.
nateriver10 wrote...
then I don't think they deserve the votes. If people don't like it, that's their business but it doesn't prove anything wrong.
Again, you said you didn't care yet you think people aren't allowed to simply disagree? Whether you find any value in their disapproval is irrelevant to whatever the specific user intended to do and what resulted in it.