fap-master9000 wrote...
you asked to be neg rep as a joke (or people took it as one) so to spite the previous thread "is someone disliking my post on purpose" they +1 you (if they realize it or not or they might really not know).
you took the previous thread "is someone disliking my post on purpose" and switched it around. the person in that thread was being neg rep "hence the misery".(also don't act like you never saw the other thread)
last thing, please don't tell me that you joked "killed" yourself to make fun of the OP for changing his avatar to "good-bye" and deleting his account. cause if he really killed himself and you're making fun of something like that then thats
REALLY fucking sick. thats just not ok, really,really not ok.
Remember that humour is subjective. Going out of your way to tell everyone that something isn't funny based entirely on your personal opinion is narcissistic.
Rep has no real significance, though some fall for the trap of believing it does. Sherolock did. He acted like a bit of a faggot and even necro'd a bunch of threads in Random and possibly other forums as well. When he made a thread about the neg reps he was getting - true to the tradition of negrepping the OP of the rep thread - he got a load more. Every time he responded to people, he dug himself a deeper grave and made it worse for himself. His reactions went something like this;
Since he was behaving like a child at the time of his suicide threat, it's safe to assume it was a failed sympathy attempt. If he actually
did An Hero over it (which is unlikely), then Natural Selection weeded out yet another idiot from the world and he brought it on himself.
Think of this thread as a warning to other newbies not to follow suit, or you'll be taken the piss out of.