rbz123 wrote...
Angelus Lapsus wrote...
That's mostly why I do it, because it entertains people some.
You know, if you wanted to be entertaining, attack him the way he does you.
Angelus Lapsus wrote...
But in all honesty Waar, why do we even continue to argue, it's getting to the point where I don't even remember why we started in the first place.
You said something he thought was retarded, you became defensive, and voila.
it's fairly true, no one really attacks my posts, I think I would enjoy a good argument over something I did, the closest thing was the Ziggy birthday thread.
and rbz's recap is pretty accurate... I like to respond to things I find stupid (not just your posts), you simply post a lot of things I consider pointless/less intelligent. If you ever wanted to avoid me you could try and up the quality of your posts, but I would rather you kept giving me gold so by all means proceed.