cruz737 wrote...
Is not. You haven't given an actual reason why anything is "objective", and I sincerely doubt you can. And your whole debate is ruined by that fact that logic and reasoning is based on perception. Before you say "X can never be objectively logical" you need to prove anything can be objective.
Prove that logic is subjective. At this point you've disagreed with me while providing no evidence of your own to back you up. I will once again restate my original point as you seem to want to change this argument to suit your goal: killing another human being in God's name is illogical and is simply false justification to commit murder.
neyapuckachinha wrote...
Errrrrrrhm what? Did Bachar al-Assad disappear overnight? There is a formal government, and in some parts of the country, namely Damascus where the bourgeoisie lives (including a good portion of that bourgeoisie being christian), there is absolutely no war. My cousin there goes to University, he has the internet etc, and I can assure you criminal and civil law still applies.
In the war zones (Homs, Aleppo etc) as well as the zones where ISIS has taken over, there is indeed no government, but only in the sense that they lost control over the territory.
You're right, the majority of the country is burning and people are being killed because they dont pray to the same God, but there is still a semblance of a formal government in the rest of the country; you really picked up on the important part of my argument... this debate about killing in God's name was originally started with you.
Coconutt wrote...
You like completely ignored what i wrote, huh?
Like i
already said, context matters, or you think it doesn't? There is absolutely nothing wrong in NOT feeling anything after taking a life from a person who tried to take yours (for example). Pretty naive for you to think that the equation for being an sociopath is simply not feeling anything after taking a life.
Sure, if you continuously show lack of empathy & remorse, you might be a sociopath, but given the context of different situations, it isn't as simple as your flabbergasted mind thinks it is.
I'm saying in terms of morality context matters little, you should feel responsible for ending a human life regardless of reasoning. I'm not saying killing in self defense and murder are the same but you should at least feel some regret after taking another humans life.