Jacob wrote...
This thread is silly. FAKKU is blocked in Japan because uncensored hentai is illegal in Japan, and we will be selling it on the site. Also we don't have the rights to sell things we publish in Japan (the companies we work with retain those rights).
Also, I like how the op is bringing back things that have been proved wrong multiple times.
Also bringing up fake points, and disregarding the whole fact that it's being sent from wani UNCENSORED, and possibly translated, to jacob in the united states of derp di derp/ 'murica. And then he is selling it to the public.
Oh my, something used is worth 600yen, when something new is being sold here for 3000yen? Dear me, dat markup.
Are you aware that a 300% markup is actually pretty common in small things like manga?
I also love how people keep saying 'at the expense of the artists' How is it at the expense of the artists? They are getting paid for their work. They don't care if their publisher sells it off to somebody else, and they sell it for more. Have you never seen thing on ebay being sold for a stupid markup, just because they can? Happens all the time, and the original sellers don't care, because they got paid for it. It literally does not matter whether the person on the other end makes more money on it than they bought it for, that is how business works. As long as they get paid what they sold them to the seller for, they don't care.
Also, you people need to get educated. You keep coming here exclaiming 'OH BOO HOO, FAKKU GAVE PEOPLE CEASE AND DESIST LETTERS' when no, wani did. Jacob got one as well, so did all the scanlators on the site, well before the wani deal was even considered. Learn to fact check your theories and accusations before you go full retard.
Also, I love how you're trying to make a solid case (which by no means is, because you keep spouting bullshit that has been contradicted on the site by many sources multiple times), and follow it up with threatening to swat jacob, and wishing death/ suggesting you'll give death threats.
This thread is like cancer to my eyes.
Please, escort yourself to the retard bin, and wait for more information