Shotty Too Hotty wrote...
It's not the pettiness I have an problem with. I have problem with execution in the matter if Waar just told Amy why she needed to change it then Waar would get his wish and Amy would be here, a possible win/win.
My point is: "Because Waar said so" is enough of a reason to comply. I did tell one of her pals what my real reason was but the fact that she rejected what I said for whatever reason is why she has 3 days off. This is not "listen to the moderator if you think what they're saying is fair", it's "a mod told me to do something, I'm going to do it". It's literally the same reason why koko was perma banned, she didn't agree with my judgement and decided her opinion superseded my authority, which it did not.
edit: Cruz, my objection was about the being called petty, which doesn't seem to fit in this case. I can be petty, but this time I'm just doing my job without holding a users hand.