Tegumi wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
So how come she can harass like this but we can't, Waarkitty-kun? :^)
Don't harass
anyone over Fakku PM. If you
are harassed, you should
report the user and provide evidence of the situation.
We won't ban someone who does something over Skype or some non-Fakku-related chat because we don't claim jurisdiction over them.
...I feel like I've said this before.
Waar wrote...
Hrmm, I get the feelings that she gets defensive easily and her way to respond to threats(perceived or otherwise) is to immediately go on the offensive.
She's honestly delusional enough to believe she's never at fault. And believe us, we've seen how she is on and off Fakku. The other person in question did absolutely nothing to provoke her, if I remember correctly.
But... I suppose this is just a case of a bratty idiot being just that.