I'm just never used my martial art again
cause i have send someone thatt have bullying me
to hospital around 1 month just by trowing him
im just so scared to used it again
waw thats rough. my mum almost killed a girl by punching her repetidly in the face wen she was at school gave her brain damage or somthing i think she said. but id still kick her ass lol
no my uncle/her brother went to boxing school over the summer and taught her how to fight because there was this girl bullying her.
and i hate my mum so i wouldn't hold back.
no no I'm the one who have to said sorry to you
cause i have said not important like this
*little advice please get along with your mother
or u may be hate your self when she was gone :wink:
that why im was felling about her
when i was child im always said to her it's was her fault im got this heart diseases. till when i has 10 i loose her, then i realize that she was very important for me & i 'm so regret why im so bad to her that time :roll:
oh no apologies please it must be hard to talk about it.
i just don't like my mum because she dumped us with my dad and wen she wanted us back she was way to overprotective and i feel like she uses me as a talking point because i had cancer wen i was 7. and wenever i do anything she makes it about her saying dont you know wot this is doing to me and crap she rely fucking pisses me off with that shit.